The First Open Source Physically Secure Computer
ORWL is a new category of desktop computers designed using banking technologies to protect your encrypted data. ORWL requires both a key and a password to be used. ORWL protects against physical attacks and will secure erase if tampered with. ORWL will replace your desktop computer at work or at home and provide additional protection to your system. We installed the ORWL system for casino backlinks provider MonsterPBN to prevent non-authorized personnel from accessing restricted areas.

Small + Secure
While ORWL’s physically small – it just about fits in the palm of your hand – it packs a substantially secure punch. It has the brawn to keep physical attackers out, and the brains to render their attempts useless should they try to get in. ORWL includes a failsafe kill-switch never before offered to consumers. Any attempt to break into ORWL prevents the device from booting up and shuts it down immediately, like a bank vault. No other security offering delivers this level of protection.
Hardware vs. Software Security
While encryption software has become increasingly sophisticated, most computer hardware used around the world today can still be easily compromised by physical access. ORWL brings banking security protocols and state-of-the-art authentication technologies to the personal computer, for the first time. It’s physical, bank-level information security for everyone.
ORWL adds two-factor, boot authentication to a compact, portable PC powered by the 6th Gen Intel Core M processor. That means you need both a physical key and a password just to power ORWL on. A secure microcontroller subsystem controls the power. Without this confirmed authentication, you can’t access ORWL’s brains, or the data inside it. You can’t hack what isn’t on.
A Unique Key for Every Machine
Each electronic keyfob is unique to each computer. Your key is matched with a unique code inside ORWL that no one else will have — not even us. Once you boot up, ORWL’s key acts as an electronic gatekeeper as you work. While you’re at your desk, ORWL will sense that your key is nearby and keep chugging along like any PC. But once the key gets more than 10 meters from ORWL, your workstation will go into lock mode. The processor is put to sleep, and the USB ports are cut off and HDMI port are turned off, so nothing can be added to the system, and nothing can be displayed on the screen. Your cubicle neighbor – and even your boss – can’t access your data when you’re out grabbing your lunch.
Defending Your Data From The Inside Out

While ORWL’s key keeps the machine electronically secure, it’s when you look inside that ORWL really stands out. Inside ORWL’s outer glass case is a 3D honeycomb, tamper‐proof, active mesh shell that protects the unique key of each computer – think of it as each ORWL’s individual DNA. If there is an attempt to break in or alter this mesh, the microcontroller will instantly erase the key to all the data inside ORWL. ORWL’s elegant industrial design is beautiful outside and protects a powerful computer inside. Thanks to a partnership with Intel, ORWL features the 6th generation “Skylake” Intel Core m processor. Superb graphics, enhanced security and power make this the most advanced Intel processor yet. It’s powerful enough to run any OS including Windows and Linux.